Monday, April 22, 2013

Knowledge Is Power.

Medical and scientific knowledge doubles every 3.5 years or less. Within 16 years, we will know 32 times more about how and why we age, and how to treat it.  Become educated, and stay atop of the newest breakthroughs, and you too can live a long and healthy life.  Assemble a handy list of reliable resources.  We recommend:

lifestyle interventions, and biotech breakthroughs for heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other aging-related diseases.While at The World Health Network, sign up for the free Longevity Magazine(TM) e-Journal. As a public service, the A4M publishes this award-winning e-Newsletter to keep you updated on the latest scientific advancements to help improve the quality of your life and extend your years of productivity and vitality.

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